📢 This is a list of videos of integration by parts. I had made videos on doing integration by parts using both the tabular method (row integration by parts) and traditional method. This is the technique that we use the “reverse the product rule”.
No. | Problem | 📽️ Video Link |
01 | \(\displaystyle \int xe^{-2x} \, dx\) | https://youtu.be/HMBU6uBfXZE |
02 | \(\displaystyle \int x^2\cos(3x) \, dx\) | https://youtu.be/OJpUSZA_0MY |
03 | \(\displaystyle \int \frac{\ln x}{\sqrt{x} \,} \, dx\) | https://youtu.be/huc_XLlLXhM |
04 | \(\displaystyle \int (3x^2 - 8x + 2)e^{-5x} \, dx\) | https://youtu.be/8wQ04X7LFBM |
05 | \(\displaystyle \int \ln x \, dx\) | https://youtu.be/K71HkJfA1IA |
06 | \(\displaystyle \int \left(\ln x\right)^2 dx\) | https://youtu.be/hL9YpQjXEOE |
07 | \(\displaystyle \int e^{-2x}\sin(3x) \, dx\) | https://youtu.be/IFzq_Ktk1oQ |
08 | \(\displaystyle \int \sin^{-1}x \, dx\) | https://youtu.be/oEnNbmFsbAA |
09 | \(\displaystyle \int \tan^{-1}x \, dx\) | https://youtu.be/j0609De4fZo |
10 | \(\displaystyle \int \sin(3x)\cos(4x) \, dx\) | https://youtu.be/WFjBdeuxJCU |